Big nexus working in ONGC to defy PM Modi’s make in India

Big nexus working in ONGC to defy PM Modi’s make in India

New Delhi :- ONGC is choosing a French Partner/Vendor for HPCC project on nomination basis. A French company namely Duke getting work of HPCC project worth more than 400 cr on nomination basis due to nexus with some higher officials sitting in ONGC and Ministry. There are multiple India Companies which can provide cut throat competition if open tender is floated. It will not only give boost to the Indian Company but also save Crores of rupees of Govt Exchequer. As per highly placed sources in the ONGC department, it has been informed that the formalities are being completed in a fast track mode and the process of giving work order to a French company on nomination basis is in the last leg. The work order is likely to be finalised & awarded on or before 30th of December 2024. This offering of such a big project without tender is defying PM Modi’s make in India vision and it is also lacking transparency in the award process. The way ONGC is going to award work order to a French company for HPCC is raising several serious questions. 
How the tendering process can be violated to award work order for without any transparency? 
How such a big size of work order going on nomination basis?
Why officers are defying PM Modi’s vision of make in India? 
We have several Indian companies which are more competent to successfully get the work done at then why ONGC is choosing a French Vendor that too on nomination basis? 
In case ONGC issues tender for this work and choose an Indian company then employment on large scale can be generated for our people.  It is also to be noted that ONGC will pay the French company in foreign currency and the  Indian Company will be paid in India currency which will also be an added advantage for Choosing an Indian Company. The french company will take the proceed to his own Country while the Indian will invest money back in the Indian economy. There is a need for immediate and urgent enquiry to stop the work order from being awarded to a foreign country by flouting all the rules & regulations.