Three years ago, MS Dhoni announced his retirement from international cricket. However, he continues to play an active role in franchise cricket and is poised to captain CSK in the upcoming IPL season. Dhoni, who led India to historic victories in the inaugural T20 World Cup and the 2011 ODI World Cup, remains a prominent figure in the cricketing world. It's worth noting that in 2017, the BCCI officially retired the No. 10 jersey worn by the legendary Sachin Tendulkar.
Three years ago, MS Dhoni announced his retirement from international cricket. However, he continues to play an active role in franchise cricket and is poised to captain CSK in the upcoming IPL season. Dhoni, who led India to historic victories in the inaugural T20 World Cup and the 2011 ODI World Cup, remains a prominent figure in the cricketing world. It's worth noting that in 2017, the BCCI officially retired the No. 10 jersey worn by the legendary Sachin Tendulkar.