Rs 328 crore narcotics seized, 15 held in interstate racket
Rs 328 crore narcotics seized, 15 held in interstate racket
The Kashimira crime unit has dismantled a large interstate drug trafficking network, arresting 15 individuals and seizing mephedrone worth Rs 328 crore from factories in Uttar Pradesh and Telangana. The gang allegedly operated under the direction of Salim Dola, a close associate of fugitive gangster Dawood Ibrahim. Further investigations led to arrests in various locations, uncovering a complex money laundering scheme. Significant seizures were made, including a massive haul of MD raw material from Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh.
The Kashimira crime unit has dismantled a large interstate drug trafficking network, arresting 15 individuals and seizing mephedrone worth Rs 328 crore from factories in Uttar Pradesh and Telangana. The gang allegedly operated under the direction of Salim Dola, a close associate of fugitive gangster Dawood Ibrahim. Further investigations led to arrests in various locations, uncovering a complex money laundering scheme. Significant seizures were made, including a massive haul of MD raw material from Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh.