Today's entertainment highlights feature Nawazuddin Siddiqui's daughter, Shora, aspiring for Bollywood stardom, Varun Dhawan limiting his birthday cake intake to mark the start of a new project, and Shah Rukh Khan's anticipated return as Don. Preity Zinta's comeback with Sunny Deol in 'Lahore 1947' excites fans, while Mithun Chakraborty's Padma Bhushan honor prompts gratitude to PM Narendra Modi.
Today's entertainment highlights feature Nawazuddin Siddiqui's daughter, Shora, aspiring for Bollywood stardom, Varun Dhawan limiting his birthday cake intake to mark the start of a new project, and Shah Rukh Khan's anticipated return as Don. Preity Zinta's comeback with Sunny Deol in 'Lahore 1947' excites fans, while Mithun Chakraborty's Padma Bhushan honor prompts gratitude to PM Narendra Modi.