Vivo has launched its flagship smartphones, Vivo X100 and Vivo X100 Pro, in India. These camera-centric phones feature advancements in partnership with ZEISS for mobile photography. They are powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 9300 SoC and offer the best telephoto camera in their category. The Vivo X100 Pro comes with a V3 imaging chip, while the Vivo X100 comes with V2. The phones are available for purchase in two color options and offer various purchase offers and discounts.
Vivo has launched its flagship smartphones, Vivo X100 and Vivo X100 Pro, in India. These camera-centric phones feature advancements in partnership with ZEISS for mobile photography. They are powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 9300 SoC and offer the best telephoto camera in their category. The Vivo X100 Pro comes with a V3 imaging chip, while the Vivo X100 comes with V2. The phones are available for purchase in two color options and offer various purchase offers and discounts.