Jackie Shroff, known for his grounded nature, celebrated his birthday, receiving wishes from stars like Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor, and Ananya Panday. Recounting a funny incident, he shared an anecdote from the set of "Brothers" with Akshay Kumar. During an emotional scene, Akshay unbuttoned Jackie's shirt without his knowledge, adding humor to the intense moment. Jackie continues to be part of significant projects like "Singham Again" and "Mast Mein Rehna Ka."
Jackie Shroff, known for his grounded nature, celebrated his birthday, receiving wishes from stars like Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor, and Ananya Panday. Recounting a funny incident, he shared an anecdote from the set of "Brothers" with Akshay Kumar. During an emotional scene, Akshay unbuttoned Jackie's shirt without his knowledge, adding humor to the intense moment. Jackie continues to be part of significant projects like "Singham Again" and "Mast Mein Rehna Ka."